Holiday Mocktail

When you’re here for the party… but not for the hangover 💃

I got you girl!

Back to back holiday parties with work, friends and families can have you feeling a little strung out.

That, combined with travel, excess sugar and rich foods, late nights and the stress of trying to get everything done in time is a recipe for feeling #unwell

If you’d like to sub out the booze one night, here is a tasty recipe that won’t do you dirty or make you feel left out of the fun.

It’s also packed with powerful antioxidants, vitamin C and blood sugar stabilizing apple cider vinegar.



  • 2 oz tart cherry juice or cranberry juice

  • 1/2 oz lime juice

  • 1 splash apple cider vinegar

  • 1 tsp coconut sugar or maple syrup for extra sweetness (optional)

Pour ingredients over ice and top with sparkling water.

Garnish with fresh mint or rosemary


Whole Foods Hot Cocoa